Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an Amit Bhaduri

As to your comments I agree that Eurodollar market,growth is 
connected with american direct investments ( with finance of tha 
multinationals in other words} although as ^d.Nell suggested t 
me the biggest multinationals have in a sanse bee .me banks themselves 
I must add however that the movement of expatriation of banks i 
in all countries seems to have been str ngly influenced by the wisjh 
to escape the m netary c>ntr Is at home and since they succeed 
largel in this fHt self s ^rengthens their piwer, I h pe however* 
that this wh le first p int of y ur c mment will be dealt with in your 
I realise that I uglt t> compare industrial assets with assets of 
banks but the prblem f deflati n gives me trouble I shall see 
Your third ji int - Brett n w- 'd etc - again I wish y u would leal 
with it yourself in y ur paper the m re since here I am not sure i 
I kn w all what y u are thinking of. An interesting p int is that 
formerly the City was strongly interested in stable pound whereas 
now they are all swimming quite cheerfully on the floating waves 
because they do their business in good part in other currencies. 
Enough for to-day! Kind regards and 
best wishes to both you and Madhu 

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