A-1050 Wien Schwarzhorngasse in/17
June 23-1982
Dear Amit
I have sent the paper to Paul Sweezy alth I have many doubts
and hesitations - but after all he is not an unknown to me
I am glad that we agree on the main point - that the Cambridge J urnal
was n^t very f>rthc'ming
I talked with a y-ung C'llegue here ab>ut >ur paper
and lie made some c mments relating partly t y ur Table 3 on
the Pur dollar market . The first two cplumns do not
add up while the other sat culums do to the " total credit supplied"
I knew that but I s meh >w f >rgot to mention it t ym
The data f r 198n in the last three lines seer to be preliminary;
my friend has from World Financial Markets Morgan Garantee Trust
Company of Hew York the foil wing figures
Total publicly anr unced Euro
currency lending
77 4
Of which to non Opec LdCs
to all devel.Gentries
Pleae check occasionally, My friend further asked why only bank loans
were given He thinks that the bonds are for the greater part also
held by the banks Shold one give them too, in a separate table
or how? or do you disagree?
He als' suggested it would be interesting to mention that s me
devel pme t c untries like Mexico and Bras 1 are trying to
create new Buroeenters on their territories partly in the h pe
t pr fit from that as b rrowerd You mention Brasil and Mexico
on p 15 b ttom
Incidentally preliminary figures have given me troubles The British
date in -^con-mic Trends are cmtinu-uly revised s that the last
fig ; res(f -r 198 ) in Table 2 x turn out to be vastly exaggerated
But still the trend remains as it was
Let me kn nv occasionally 1 h po y u are in go id shape!
, With best wishes