Full text: Brief von Jerzy Osiatyński an Josef Steindl

Warszawa, dnio....2.1....H0V.ember. 197.7!... r. 
Zaktad Historii Nauki 
Oswiaty i Techniki 
ul. Nowy Swiat 72, pole. 19. tel. 26-83-05 
00-330 WARSZAWA 
Dr. Jerzy Osiatyriski 
Professor J. Steindl 
A-1103 Wien, 
Postfach 91, 
Dear Professor Steindl, 
On behalf of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Pl/VE 
Publishing House I seek thereby your kind permission to qoute 
in Polish rather extensive fragments of your letter of 5 May, 
1954 to Michel Kalecki /referring to his Theory of Economic 
Dynamics/ and from your two letters, of 18 September, 1975, 
and of 9 October, 1975, respectively, to myself /referring to 
the same subject/. It is our intention to publish these frag 
ments in the second volume of the Works of Michal Kalecki, 
and your consent will be appreciated very much indeed. 
Please, accept my best wishes for the coming 1978. 
7/hat are the chances of seeing you in Poland in near 
,Gryf* Hibnera 3, zam. 730/75, n. 2000

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