Full text: Brief von Jerzy Osiatyński an Josef Steindl

,,Cryf” Hibnera 3, zam. 739/75, n. 2C00 
Warszawa, dnio...2.8...P.a.C.eiah£r 197 .7. r. 
Oiwiaty i Techniki 
ul. Nowy Swiat 72, pole. 19. tel. 26-83-05 
00-330 WARSZAWA 
Dr Jerzy Osiatyriski 
Professor Joseph Steindl 
A—1TO3 Wien, Postfach 9T, 
Dear Professor Steindl, 
thank you very much for your letter of 5th December. 
I enclose herewith the photo-copies of letters which are inflended 
for publication in the Kalecki*s Works. I apologise for not having 
sent them to you already with my letter of 2Tst November. The fra 
gments intende€ for quotation are pencil-marked. 
Incidentally, when you mention, in your letter to Kalecki 
of 5th May, 1954 /page 2/, the "countervailing power"^you implici- 
tely refer to the concept of "countervailing power" as presented 
by J.K. Galbraith in his American Capitalism /Boston 1952/, don*t 
I have seen Dr. Gomulka*s paper aiming to prove that Kalecki*s 
solution to his trend equation is unstable, but I could not follow 
up the formal side of Dr. Gomulka*s argument. I am indeed veijy 
interested to see your correspondence with him on this subject. 
Could you please send me the photo-copies of Dr. Gomulka*s and your 
A Happy New Year - be it a healthy and prosperous one to all 
of us. 

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