„Gryf” Hibnera 3, zam. 739/75, n. 2C00
POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUK Wor,zawa ’ dnio .3QJKo.Yemb.er. i97..S.r.
Hhtorll Nowki
Oiwiaty i Techniki
ul. Nowy Swiat 72, pok. 19. tel. 26-83-05
Jerzy Qsiatynski
Professor J. Steindl
Schwarzhorngasse 10/17
1050 Wien
Dear Professor Steindl,
I have read with great interest your paper: "Some Comments
on the Three Versions of Kalecki’s Theory of the Trade Cycle",
which I got from Professor Laski some weeks ago. I have found
your paper very stimulating and beautifully condensated too.
I would love to have its Polish translation to be included into
the 2nd volume of Kalecki’s Works, as an Addenum to hia 1968 EJ
t *
paper: "Trend and Business Cycle Reconsidered". The volume is
already in the press; nevertheless I hope it will be possible
to have your paper included at the profifs stage. Professor Laski
mentioned to me also /if I well remember/ that the original
English version is to appear shortly in print. Could you please
remind me where and when it is'^fieduled to appear. Whom should
we appear to get the Polish rights for translation?
I hope you are in a good shape and health, and happy with
your work.
All best wishes.