A-1050 Wien Schwarzhorng 10/17
Jfily 19, 1079-
Dear Osiatynski,
T hank you for your letter. I am very glad that you
find it possible to include my paper on the three versions of
the trade cycle into the Kalecki volume 2, and I certainly never
expected anything but the acknowledgements which you propose to make.
Let re repeat that I was very happy to receive the volume 1
and that T realise y'U have done a very considerable and successful
piece of w irk
Concerning y>ur p int abut my ambridge paper: If the
oligip lists sell all their products to the government and the
government sipply finances the increased price by a budget efiqit
then y u are certainly right: the utilisation will be unchanged
and the v lume if profits will be increased ( I think it is by a mere
slip that ypu state it will be the same) because the increased
saving due t> the olig p'lists will be compensated by government
dissaving My only c 'mment is that in practice the oligoplistic sector
will always sell a great part of its produfet to private customers
and an incre se in profit margins will therefore reduce the real
income of the rest of the economy, leading therfo e to a decrease
in utilisation. Your argument is, then, a qualification to my
statement, and it is certainly interesting in view of the
close customer relation of oligopolists and g vernment.
As to your other argument in relation to section 5 of my
Trade C ir cle paper, I never denied that Kalecki perfectly well knew
all this ( the influence of debts or of commitments on ■'■nvestment ),
but it is n^t included in his strict mathematical ( or formal )
formulation of the trade cycle theory - which, incidentally, I did not
want to criticise at all, because I realise that a trade cycle theory
ought ti embody only the most important and general elements of
an explanation.
It strikes me h wever, that this section 5 of my paper
leaves something in the dark which may have contributed to your
misund rstanding The c ntrast between a"marginal" and an "integral"
formulation in principle applies to b th the financial incentives
to invest (internal saving - ir degree of indebtedness) and to
the demand incentives ( increase in demand - or capacity utilisation ).