Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an Jerzy Osiatyński

Wien, 1982 07 26 
01. Nowy Swiat 
00330 Warszawa 
Dr. Jerzy OSIATYflSKI 
Polska Akademia Nauk 
Dear Doctor Osiatynski, 
Thank you for your card. I feel very bad about not writing 
to you all this time. It is true that I am always under 
pressure of the need to write papers. 
I have been thinking of your comments on my growth paper of 
last year. You are quite right it is better to introduce a 
separate equation. In fact I do it for a special kind of 
investment which is innovative and stimulates new investment 
with a long lag. 
I am surprised that your work on the Kalecki edition is proceeding 
so quickly! You must have been working very hard. 
I shall send you some offprint separately. 
With my best wishes, 

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