Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an Jerzy Osiatyński

1105 Wien, Postfach 91 
March 21st, 1978* 
Br J. OsiatyAski 
Pcteka Akademia Nauk 
ul. Nowy Swiat 72 
hear ^oct 'r Osiatynski 
I am glad that you are going t include my brief domment 
on the Gomulka results int^ the Kalecki edition. If y ra insist 
on placing the responsibility on the author y u may quote me 
as yiu prop sed in your letter of March 6. I suggest, however, 
that y-iu must tune down the predading reference to me, 
because it sounds ridiculaus ( "great c ntributi n '!). 
Please change the first part of this sentence to the foil>wingi 
This paper led to a correspondence between the author and J.Steindl 
on the question of interpretation of St Gomulka's results 
( the remainder of the text beeing unchange l). 
This is not"modesty", but a sense of proportion! 
I hope you are well and happy with your work. 
With best wishes 

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