Full text: Brief von Jerzy Osiatyński an Josef Steindl

Next there goes your comment on Dr. Gomulka’s paper. In accor 
dance with your wish I did not mention that you are the author of 
the comment in question. However, I shall be most obliged if you 
let me do that, in which case the final part of the last sentence 
of the opening para should read: "... a short comment on this sub 
jest, written by J. Steindl, follows below." 
In his letter of 13th February Dr. Gomulka tells me that your 
great contribution to the interpretation of his results should be 
explicitly emphasized. I agree with him completely. In fact, the 
wording of the relevant fragment of the opening paragraph is more 
his thai mine. Therefore, please, do not Qbject out of modesty to it. 
Looking forward to having your consent to inform the reader on 
the true authorship of the note on Dr. Gomulka’s results, I remain 

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