A-110J Wien, Postfach 91
Dec 13 1977
Dear Tib r
I was very pleased to get y ur phone call - at a time when
my spirits were rather 1 w I am 1 king f rward to the new version
of your paper. Incidentally I should perhaps qualify my statement
. , i.
that A did nit get the book you sent t me. n fact I got galley
pro ifs of a bo k in Marx and everything else, without title, author
or sen er, but it came from Menlo -^ark. I could not think
who sent it; it seemed to me rather chatty if I may say so.
Who is the author? I can't remember him. Perhaps this is not what
you sent.
Going back to your problem of w: at decides whether the benefits
of technical pro ress are passed on to the wage earner or to the
buyer of the pr duct: 1 am inclined to link it up with the product
cycle, i.e. in the mi le of it there is a phase when the
productivity increase i3 very strong ( scale, learning ) and
very great savings are simply to likely to be passed to the workers,
first, because they w uldcreate to great inequalities, and also
because the extension of the market and the increased compteition
in tois p ase w uld make it unlikely H wever, its nly a hunch.
I want to ask y u a favour Can y u send me the address of
the Stereo Review which you used to get - provi ed y u have it
at hand, Snd also the am unt f yearly subscription including
p stage t Eunpe I sh uld like to subscribe to it .because of
the reviews of c urse. J am n>t quite happy with the German
equivalents. ( Just j t it down when you send your paper).
I sent y >u my tiny wage opus which is all I am able to do
^lease accept my best wishes for Christ* 3 3 + ^ ev? *e&r
to you and Elizabeth. I hope it will be a pleasant h liday f r you.