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19,59 V/ien Schwarzhorngasoe 1 n /17
24 th June 70
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Uy dear ibor,
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W r. X 4 .
Thanks f ir letter and cheque. I am jolly ell pleased to hear
that yu will be coming to Europe in summer in the coming years.
I was most interested in y ur paper and I hasten to give
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you 3uch comments as struck my mind immediately. They may be , an
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expression of my lioness or inattentiveness, but then there are
many other readex‘3 1 ko that!
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Tv/o points are obscure to me: The sentence on p.13,li e 4
which Establishes a symmetry between management in one cane and
trade unions In the other, which I just don't understand, lay be
you have been bewitbhed by ^arshis.
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'X forget what exactly are your reasons why you don't accept the point
f view that trade uni>ns have a strong resistance against decrease in
m »oy wages which t Is; t t mporarily ma es sense. Th o downward spiral
^ of the 3 ’ies which y u mention was largely c nfined t ■%orica whore 4/
bef re 193 there were no (mass) trade unions. There were deflati no in
, 4 ■ . H
the 19th century in absence of massive uni ns Hot in Ear pc si..do
the 2 r ies at the latest. V"' • \ 1 h
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Another p|>int struck me in this c nnecti n ^alecki shid in a sharp
recession in vie of the burden of fixed c st firms may by tacit agreement
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increase tie mark-Up S me .15 ec nmists think this happened in 1974!
The sere nd obscure point is the moraladvantage of workers (p 13
anil p ( 3a).; The level of comfort f'r the firms must rel te t profit rate
fyiou can it be compared to that of the v/>rker? And if they have this
oral alvahtage why can' they expl it it much more? Both points.want
much more e lanation.
? y
Yonr discussion offthe c t of hiring is very impressive and
the conclusion is precise and 1 cans* t object to it (pO^end of first parag)
It all depends on the lack of confidence in the durability of the
upswing! ( It is of course all related to the 'resent situation )
apsychology which is not difficult to exlain’i the lands of Schmi t,
/i / .
u artor- w lur.lonthal and Haynond Barre. 1 am only afraid that the economists
of to-day 1 will overlook the precise formulation and will triumphantly
rest yur arguments as a proof that the Phillips cuyve has shifted
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Your f mu 1 at ions on p 5 will enc mrage thefe!
In the oil case(p1 ) y -u do t mention that the situation really
depends ,,91^ the fact that the oil pruducers do n t s end the y receipts .
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