Full text: Brief von Tibor Scitovsky an Josef Steindl

1175 N. Lemon Ave., 
Menlo Park, Cal. 94025 
24 March 1981 
Dear Josef, 
This is just a short note to let you know that if all 
goes well, we shall be arriving in Vienna from Innsbruck on 
the afternoon of Friday, JgjJty 10, staying overnight at the 
Hotel Wandl on the Petersplatz and leaving at noon of the 
following by hydrofoil for Budapest. Could we have dinner 
together in a nice restaurant Friday evening? 
From Budapest to St. Moritz and Sils we are taking a 
direct train, the Wiener Walzer on August 1, which gets us 
there the following morning; and we plan to stay Sils, this 
time in the Pensiun Privata, until August 14. 
We very much hope to see you in Vienna, and even more, 
if at all possible, in Sils. 
With best regards from both of us. 
Yours ever, 
P.S. Elisabeth says she would like to go to a restaurant you 
sent us to in 1978 when you advised us to go there instead of 
to Grinzing where we wanted to go.

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