A-1^50 Wien s chwarzhorng Il/17
June 9 « 1981
Dear ^ib or,
1 am sorry to have been silent for such a long time, but I can now
tell you that I have booked a room at Hotel Edelweiss Sils-Maria
from Aug 2 to August 14 I am not sure whether I shall not go
to Switzerland already before that, somewhere else like Locarno,
but I shall almost certainly be in Vienna on July 14 to see you
( My telefone ; 55 70 473 ). I am not sure whether I know what
restaurant Elisabeth means, but I remember you went to KuSdorf
and may be I find a good n eurigen plus ^estaurant in E ro icagasse.
Anyhow we shall not starve, but you must Iways be careful with
me because in daily life I sometimes make the s me kind of errors
as in my algebra} the other day ^ had some friends waiting for
5/4 of an hour, because I messed up my information. It cannot even
be put down to age because I have always been like this.
However, I hope to be fit f^r >ur excursions
How are you both? You must tell me a little about y ur book when
we meet I shall g t Trieste at the end of August to take part
-but only in part- in a D tmmer school of the general pp siti^n
to the establ shment reaching fr un ^aregnagi to Minsky,
m >stly a very pleasant crowd
I have bought a 4nre M 97 HE which is very satisfact ry It is
w rth the m mey
With my ver, r best wishes to both f you