Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an Tibor Scitovsky

A-1050 Wien Schwarzhorng.10/17 
April 12,1983. 
Dear Tiber, 
I have just written to order a room at the Hotel Edelweiss 
for 16,to 30 th July, I have been waiting a littfte lest you 
dhange you plans again for some distant travels. I shall be 
glad to meet you both and also the Abramox/itzes whom you do 
neot need to recommend to me. 
I thank you very much for your paper which is exxpjisitely fine 
chisel work. It has also the advantage that it tends to favor 
my views of household savings. The financial savings data from 
the flow of funds are, I think,not affected by it. 
I have a great many little papers to write, am very lazy and 
solve the problem by not writing any of them. I shall be 
in May in Rome for the presentation of the contributions to the 
Italian Keynes book. Joan Robinson, I fear, will not be there, 
because she is very ill. 
Wo had Amit Bhaduri here and we dispatched finally our common 
paper on the social baCKGground of monetarism. I have also 
x^ritten a very small contribution to the Keynes colloquc at 
the Sorbonne, Let me see your Cambridge pappr on Inflation 
once you have it written up! 
Kaldor is here and I shall see him to-night. 
All the best and a revoir 

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