Full text: Brief von Tibor Scitovsky an Josef Steindl

1175 N. lemon Ave., 
Menlo Park, Cal. 94025 
September 27, 1989 
Dear Josef, 
Many thanks for your letter. This is just a quick 
answer before I go to the Post Office. The reference to my "Growth 
in the Affluent Society" is L JLoj vj.ew ’ No *163, January 
1987, from which it was reprinted in L l o ^ d j> _ B a n k_ A n n u a l _ R e v i. e w 
M££— 9 Volume 2 edited by Christopher Johnson, 
pp. 151-62. 
As to the Eminent Economists, I was glad to see your 
excellent piece reprintedrin Roncaglia 1 s volume 1. As to my 
contributing to the 2nd volume, the problem is that I have 
aawritten a similar piece for a similar volume on The_L.iJi.e_ 
Ai££££llZ_£——^5!£££££_—££££E££££’ which is supposed to be 
published soon by the Cambridge University Press. But I noticed 
that Tinbergen has contributed both to your volume and to my 
future volume two entirely different and reasonably good and 
interesting pieces. So I will think it over whether I can find 
'reminiscences’ that don't overlap too much with my 'life 
I am very pleased to learn that you are writing again, 
that in itself is a feather in Roncaglia's cap. 
With best regards, 
Yours ,

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