1982 02 03
Prof. Steindl
Via V. Veneto, 119
1-00187 Roma
Prof.Alessandro RONCAGLIA
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
Quarterly Review
Dear Professor Roncaglia,
Thank you very much for your two letters and the proofs
which have already been corrected so well that little remained
for me to be done. I had, however, to correct myself (on p. 15
and 18); I tried to cut out just as much as I added so that
the trouble to the printer will be a minimum. I hope the
corrections are clear.
I shall be hyppy to get 25 offprints if i may.
I shall be in Rome in the second half of March to give two
talks at the Banca fl'Italia. I shall tell them the same things
over again, because I have no time to invent anything newl
Kind regards,