Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an Alessandro Roncaglia

A- 1050 Wien.Schwarzhomg.10/t7 
April 1, 1982 
Dear Professor Roncaglia, 
Let me thank you an^ your f raily 
aqid your collegues for the warm reception 
i/i Rome, amid your splendid hospitality. 
V A 
You have done everything to make me feel happy. 
The Canino record fulfills all 
expectations and I shall listen to it often. 
Siena was pleasent but ftainy. 
■I am lo>king forward to see you again 
in August 
Wit’ my best regards', 
I include the receipt from the Hotel Villa 
Florence which - forgetful as I am - l|failed, 
to paas on to Prof Pallandrini

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