Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an Alessandro Roncaglia

Vienna Sept 20, 1983 
Dear Sandro, 
I cane back from Paris a few days ago which was just tine 
enough to get a little influenza. But I hope I have got 
it over nore or less. 
Niki Kaldor says that it is usual in Trinity College 
(and I suppose in other colleges too ) to have a 
memorial service on the occasion of the death of a member 
of the college; this service, he assures me, has no religious 
character or significance whatsoever. 
Enclosed I send you, with the knowledge and consent of my 
friend Amit Bhaduri, our joint paper on monetarism. 
If you and the chief editor of Mondoperaio want to^SBlflS ana 
it you are free to do so at any time. This is a common 
decision of Amit and me. We have told the editors of 
the Thames papers about it and we hope it will induce them 
to hurry up with the English publication. 
Paris iwas in certain ways not uninteresting. The Sorbonne 
is very oldfashioned, it seems to be in the stage in which 
your faculties were in the ’fifties. The contents of the 
French papers are fairly bad, you just cannot understand 
what they want. 
I hope your translation of the oil book is well advanced. 
With my best wishes to 
you and your family

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