A-1050 ¥ien,Schwarzhorngasse 10/17
Dear Sandro,
Thank you for your comments and for sending them so early
( I did not get them until January, but that was my fault
because I had not been in the Institiite for some time).
Your comments are exceedingly helpful to me - I am rather
isolated in this work and depend very much on criticism.
My lines on the duality were claaly very inadequate; I have
tried another shot at it which I enclose in form of a sketchy
note. All your other points will be considered too. I wshall
not give waymuch about the firfet lines of ray paper, hox^ever.
There is notdoubt that Sraffa was concerned with aggregation
and this is the subject of my paper. But perhaps I shall meet
your objection at least half way if I add? The following paper
deals with this aspect of his book which was perhapt not
given very much attention in the vast literature of comments
and appreciation and discussion of his book.
My provocation does not aim at attacking anybody such as the
neo-r&cardians. I would like to do something to shift the
discussion of Sraaa on to a different track, becaxise what
is usually heard in Trieste thuaatens to become rather infertile.
I eidh I could do more, but mathematics is getting very difficult
for me and I ara rather helpless in face of joint production.
By the way what made me write this paper was really your
lecture in Vienna. This lecture was rather different from
your book on Sraffa, which systmatically refrained from
putting anything into the book, from "interpreting ". u
I hope you got your administrative troubles out of the way.
Thank you again for the great help.
With best wishes for pou and your family