Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an Alessandro Roncaglia

A- 1050 Wien, Schwar zhorngas se 10/17 
Feb 14,1987 
Professor Alessandro Roncaglia 
Banca Nazioiale del Lavoro 
Quarterly Review 
¥ia Vittorio Vebetfc 119 
1-00137 Roma. 
Dear Sandro, 
I am glad to hear that you will publish the Recollection papers 
in book form. Of coxirse I have no objection against your 
including my paper ( Reflections on the State of Economics) 
in it. 
I have beer very shocked about the news of Vica.re.llis death. 
I deeply regret it, and it must be vsr;- hard on his family. 
I do hope we shall beet this year. 
With best wishes 
Josef Ste

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