Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an Michio Morishima

Pro i ' i.: 'I o r i s h i r a 
London School of .'ononicc. 
10 Ports c-r Street 
London LC2A 2il0 
1C , 29, 
Dear iroiesaor Moi*±ahit!<a, 
.i t '•'an very Vj.ru! of you go send yon paper on the use of 
‘tics r.• I yon.v liooi: on the irf ustr ! e.t scenery, 
Loth o.f vM. ' 7 -d very r.mch* 1 n ; p.u-t; that I an 
no f alone i i. 0:;■■■::■■- <: -y ? y :>!>?. trs i-ior. -*itb economics 
-■•d our .0 o'.vr i> it. - *■ i ti tut ions, oor- history. 
■> ■ .to _ hop other. I ■. ; I'-ir -i : .' on this cocas ion 
■ • i ' 
c.r i ; :■ Js r,~ n esc ' c ' o- y. Th:‘' i • a • tr dr.Ira Lie book 
v \d 1 hope it v/ill not be the last tiv-e the ’, you have 
failed to .sr,3press this side of your talents -.rhich is 
very capap.1ng indo e t i. 
lift reany tdmnko and best wishes 
Josef fteid.nl

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