It Blight be correct to say, it is true, that ii was
the high private investment of recent years which propped
up purchasing power ( only up to 1948 or 49 could it be explained
as deferred investment ). I am not perfectly sure, but I think
this fact can be reconciled with aay theory: Eight years
w Jj.-.i
of full employment ana hi^h utilisation of capacity should
in itself give the system a considerable impetus. The propensity
the experience of
to consume depends on a number of years past; I think also the
investment decisions may be similarly influenced by the
experience of high utilization over a number of years.
This, of course, does not rule out a recession, it means only
that the high activity for so many years influences favourably
the trena of the future for a certain time.
As to reviews it is too early yet. The London
"Economist" carriea one. Prof.Hansen, I understand, is to
review it for the Harvard Review.
Thank you very much for letting me see your
manus ript which I appreciate ve.j much.’
Yours sincerely,