Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an Tamás Szmrecsányi

Institute = f i*c n raic Ai eaearch 
11 3 Wien P^stfach 91 
June 6 1977 
Dr i 'amas a zmrec8 a ny 
^ua das Beg niai, 252 
05676 Sao Paul ■> -SP Brazil 
Dear Doctor Szrarecsany, 
Apologies for the delay in my answer. I am satisfied 
with the conditions of Editors Hucitec for the publication of 
a translation of Small and Big Business mentioned in your letter 
of April 24, and which, you say, have been offered to Blackwell 
by the firm’s international agent. I also confirm that the introduction 
has not been published before and that this may be mentioned in the 
I hope you were able tt find ut what the position is 
with regard to the translation of Maturity and Stagnation hy 
Bntrelivros Ltda. May be they did not pursue the matter further. 
With best wishes 
Y urs sincerely 
J sef Steindl

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