11. The Role of Household Saving in the Modern Economy.
BNL Qu.Review, nr 140,March 1982, 20
12. The Control of the Economy. BNL Quart.Rev. 146,Sept1983 14
13. Reflections on the Present State of Economics.
BNL Quarterly Review nr 148 March 1984 12
14. Structural Problems in the Crisis..BNL 154»Sept1985 9
15. Distribution and Growth. Political Economy,Studies in
the Surplus Approach Vol.I.nr 1, 1985. 16
1$. J.M.Keynes: Society and the Economist.
Keynes's Relevance To-Day. Macmillan, London 1985 35
17. Saving and Debt (in French-) Keynes Aujourd'hui.
ed . M.Barrere, Paris 1986. 12
18. Kalecki's Theory of Pricing: Notes on the Margin.
Economic Theory, Political Powei/and Social Justice.
Festschrift Kazimierz Laski 1987 Springer Wien 15
19. Sraffa: Measurement and Aggregation. PAPER
rd&d at the Conferenceon Sraffa Florence 1985. 20
in the '30s
20. From Stagnation/to Slow Growth in the 7os.
To be published in: Political Economy in the
Twentieth Century, ed.Maxine Berg. Philip Allan 15
oxford Jan.1989.
21. Trend and Cycle (unpublished )/