Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an Lexington Books

A-1050 Wien,Schwarzhorngasse 10/17, Austria. 
March 20, 1988. 
Lexington Books 
D.C. Heath and Company 
125 Spring Street 
Lexington, Mass. 02173 U.S. 
Dear Sirs, 
I am preparing the publication of a collection of my essays 
including two of them for which you hold copy rights. 
I would be very much obliged to you for giving me permission 
to republish these essays ( they would be reset and not 
photo printed ). They are 
Technical Progress and Evolution. Research, Development 
and Technological Innovation. Edited Devendra Sahal.1980, 
Chapter 6, pp.131-141 • 
Technology and the Economy: The Case of Falling Productivity 
Growth in the 1970a. The Transfer and Utilisation of 
Technical Knowledge. Ed.Devendra Sahal. 1982. Ch.1 pp.5-13. 
I therefore would like to ask you to give me 
non-exclusive world rights for the use of this material 
in the book of my essays and in future editions and 
revisions thereof. 
Yours sincerely, 
Permission granted to use both selections mentioned above 
in any way in which you please.

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