A-1050 Wien,Schwarzhorngasse 10/17, Austria.
March 20, 1988.
Lexington Books
D.G. Heath and Company
125 Spring Street
Lexington, Mass. 02173 |j/S.
Dear Sirs,
I am preparing the publication of a collection of my essays
including two of them for which you hold, copy rights.
I would be very much obliged to you for giving me permission
to republish these essays ( they would be reset and not
photo printed ). They are
Technical Progress and Evolution. Research, Development
afad Technological Innovation. Edited Devensffra Sahal.1980,
Chapter 6, pp.131-141 •
Technology and the Economy: The Case of Falling Productivity
Growth in the 1970a. She Transfer and Utilisation of
Technical Knowledge. Ed.Devendra Sahal. 1982. Ch.1 pp.5-13.
I therefore would like to ask you to give me
non-euclusive world rights for the use of this material
in the book of ray essays and in future editions and
revisions thereof.
Yours sincerely,
Josef Steindl