Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an North Holland Publishing Company

A-1050 Wien,Schwarzhorngasse 10/17 
March 20, 1988. 
Norhfc Holland Publishing Company 
P.0. Box 103» 
1000 AC Amsterdam 
Niederlande. Ref. COPY RIGHT 
Dear Sirs, 
I am preparing the pall&ciiaon of some of my essays 
including one which was originally published under your 
copyright and I would be pbliged to you if you could feive 
me permission to do so. The article would be reset not 
photo printed. It is called 
Soeme comments on the three versions of Kalecki's Theory 
of the trade cycle Studies in Economic Theory and Practice 
Essays in Honor of Edward Lipinski Edited by 
N.Assorodobraj-Kula et alia. Amsterdam 1981. pp.125-133. 
I therefore want to ask you to give me 
non-exclusive world rights for the use of the material 
mentioned above in my projected book of my essays 
and in future editions and revisions thereof. 
Yonrs sincerely 
Jose£ Steindl

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