Prof B.Schefold
FB2 Goethe Universitat
Postfaah 11 19 32
D-6000 Frankfurt 11
Dear Bertram,
Thank you for your letter. From my point of view your
suggestions imply an unusual amount of bother. Why can not
Heinz Kurz or you tell me in writing what your questions are?
Unfortunately your letter does notrgive me the slightest
indication of what it is really about. If it is a matter
of algebraic plunders, unclear formulation, inconsistency etc
and other formal points it should be possible to communicate
this in a few lines without need for diplomatic missions.
I shall be quite grateful for any reminders to put more
order into my algebra than I usually have. Beyond that
you no doubt realise that no amount of editorial efforts
will enable you to hide from the readers the substantial
difference of opinion which exists between contributors.
Nor is this in itself necessarily a disadvantage. Indeed
it might be considered a virtue of the volume if it
were able to bring out the differences of existing opinions.
With best wisbhe
Josef Steindl