Full text: Brief von Betram Schefold an Josef Steindl

13 Bibliographical References 
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The author-date system of referencing is now almost universally used and has 
been adopted as house style by Allen & Unwin. If you think that your material 
is not suited to it, for instance, because it contains references to legislation 
or periodicals which cause problems of 'authorship', you should consider whether 
the in-text references can be supplemented with end-notes (see section 14 below). 
If this still presents problems, or you are not sure exactly how the system 
works, piease consult your sponsoring editor at the earliest possible stage. A 
system which does not make sense to the reader will have to be reorganized and 
this may involve preparing a fresh typescript. 
All references cited in your book must be listed alphabetically by author's 
surname at the back. Only works with in-text citations should appear on this 
list. If you wish to recommend further reading, please have this typed as a 
separate list. 
In-text references 
References in the text consist of author's surname, date of publication, and 
page numbers where applicable, in parenthesis. For example: 
As Smith (1978, p. 30) has pointed out ... 
As has been pointed out (Smith, 1978, p. 30), ... 
... as others have pointed out (Smith, 1978; Bloggs and Jones, 1980). 
... as he has pointed out in earlier works (Smith, 1974, 1975, 1976). 
Where more than one author is cited, list the names either in alphabetical order 
or in chronological order of publication dates; and be absolutely consistent in 
this throughout the typescript. 
For works of multiple authorship, use names for two or three authors - 
(Smith, Bloggs and Jones, 1979) 
- et al. for more than three: 
(Davies et al., 1980). 
The name of a government agency can be cited as 'author'; for a committee the 
name of the chairperson can be used: 
(NATO, 1973; Layfield, 1976). 
If more than one edition of a work exists, please make sure that the edition 
from which your quotation is taken is the one which appears in the reference 
list. If you are using a modern edition of a much older work, give the original 
date in square brackets as well as the date of the edition used: 
(Marx, |J898] 1960). 
If more than one work by the same author was published in one year, use Smith, 
1978a, 1978b, 1978c, and so on. 
References in the sources of tables and figures should be given in the same 
style but without brackets. For example: 
Source: Smith, 1978, p. 30; also quoted in HMS0, 1980, p. 33, n. 4. 
References in end-notes (see section 14 below for a full explanation) should 
likewise omit the brackets. For example: 
2 For further discussion, see Jones's 1971 article; 'More schools and fewer 
• teachers?', Guardian, 15 May 1976, p. 10; and Smith, 1978a, passim.

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