Prof . 8. loh olt
FB2 isoHi * '•/r.i vor oit of
Pos *tfa.c l > 11 '! /
6000 Frankfurt 11
jffo s f ^‘5 ^ t b 1 $4 Is c him r ?, h o r n g 10/17
.Dear Bertram,
I have no idea whether you nave sent the script of
the £ raff a conference to the publisher. want to
inffora you that I have sent ny Pirnffa paper
(with a little alteration) to 'lacnillan for
publication in ny volume of essays. 7. nave written
to Uynan Unwin to tell him that . As far as I cun
concerned I have given the copy right to oacnillan,
and T have not signed any obligation towards
Hyman Unwin, therefore he or you will have to ask
for permission to publish (which will hot be difficult
to get, I imagine ). In the ordinary course of
events this situation would hardly arise,
I want to take the opportunity to wish you a very
happy and New Year!
dith best wishes.