Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an H. L. Schollick

preface to We Japs neu e yt.it ion 
1 shall lehappy, ii' this oook will be reac m a country 
' here there is ^resuKauiy «ucn interest in the topic conct rnec. 
I hope, ct the atae tine, that *„ Japanese reuserv Kill be 
r orb-earing; I h*.<. no tine to bring it up to t ate, to take account 
Hi a 
of n:-v iite ratui f , ne. c..ta, fcoairicutiOBS >f ay ov n views, 
so that it r.mains at original!,, written. Lut although much ou*ht 
to be change a, I so not thin*. the cone ..us ions vculc be r lie. iy 
al tex s*u. 
In some ways, as i s ; :e W now, the re., ults ;. i 0 ;.t be easic. r 
to reach; Thus, I haSe taken touch trouble to sho tnac isr*e 
liras re ft an advantage, even ii large scale prosclion 
'requires more capital in relation to output than small proaacti n. 
1 no' very uuqh uoubt -.h tuer it' does. Larger equipment is 
usu lip cheaper m re-a tx .n its peri omo net ( a li.r fc e gener;- tor 
co, is j.eos iu relation to -he po v.oj iustallot Wan a aawll one, 
in other, worts, the principle of large scue c couos.ies a i: . lies- 
lo We px’.aucti iii o* equipment, too }. An increasec sca.e ol 
pro etc.tirin', it is true, brit. fc s not only ui fek er machines but more 
machines ( t. , c _. crants l. ...teat oi uanual labour but tne saving 
in capital cost due to the us ol big t er machines m y veil outweipo 
the c ct oi tne asciticrial machine.- . T..ere is no neec, then, to 
assume a ri if.* cu-.i -al-output ratio with increasing size oi pi- nt 
oi Tiio. The apparent rise which the American out- o. taule ViII 
a ih shew, ®a v . be merely tue. to c ,reuter integration oi the 
larger firms. In r lotion to weir value utcet, one may be

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