Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an H. L. Schollick

incli n c to think, the lar 0 e ccnc • me use ao t.jic, perhaps even 
1 err, capital thr.n smaller liras. This' clearly m&«.es it i#.ucn 
simpler to demonstrate the co..tpetttive advantages of bi*, capital. 
Tee arguments of Ch:- pis: 111 , from i..n { of view, appear 
as !- n unnecess ry comp 1 iertior. I thin*., no,tfv\r, t.*ut they are 
sufficiently interesting, in tfte.li own ri*ht, as an analysis 
of the effect? or a its -intensive techniques on profitability• 
As to the rest, the r ;;c r ' ill have to „&i. c e ior hiaiseli 
hor- 1'rr the experience of the last ten years car: u reconci-.ee 
»'ith n‘y own picture. I believe he v i 1 fine. tae i or tunes of 
small business tc ha e been influenced b w tro Lroae tencencies 
*orkinp in opposite directions: j:i the -ne nano, t-*e competitive 
aCivan. ■; ,«s o. bi 0 business have continued to press on the 
"Iivin 0 space ** if the small firms, ei'en-.f.-iU- a. ri.raii.very 
The chief aevant s if ver v i; x-^e .cone-, rhe arc now ao ays pro baldly 
in thefielc of rese> rch, finance ane selling. Inc recent trend 
toreros automation may work in. the suae direction. Qn tne othei 
hand small irms hr ve fount' continuing arm even increasing space 
for existence chiefly for three re a: one: The, rise of certain net 
\ ■ . 
industries, mainly service industries, has offeree tncsr new rooi. • 
'\ , . . 
Further, the prote eti. rf ano preservation of business 
has been an ai n t otfi„ of the state, but also of private 
business interests in many countries, because, it +s thought to 
ensure the continued existence of a c-.isei vativc aiuu^e class. 
And finally, a tendency of bi 0 firms ( observed a\t atp rate in 
S i I 
tne United Bister ) to transfer the production\of accessories 
/ \) \ 
to separate plants, often uneer ^ept.rt.te ov uejffciifip, oif er& 
another ner field for siuali t-.uc £;ealiu; iir&s. iffaiall t&sns,

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