li*.e ^'rocucir.*, accessoriee, a»&„ be performed efficiently
even v. £lh a fuo.c -c rate capital; arm ii' the sku*1 entrepreneur
is satisfied with a aoce; t profit, the bi 0 concerns Bay
■ " _ r \ : i :
be c ot/nt to leave these tasks to him. The Inoepehcence
of tyres £ subcontratc re, however, retains t .r. Lies?, tie;
To be rfi'eieat, they must have a uniform, iar^e anc stable
/ '
clemency, anc, thus hepenc on the c: nc* rns •hichcrcatec them.
/ i
InsttybiliTty , t h i ch they are b&cly pioparee to • hi a: c. lor
finifncj£al reasons, ’ oulc incuse trier. to te-specialize
anc ;oh,us to become inefficient.
• i It ■ ouia b f : of ^reat inttjest to tuby ti».*
j / i
■jainace pi these tenth-ncies in ^reater ar c. in hifierent
f l t
Ino^strier. 1; is can h ralj- be ex^ec.tec however in the fraaewo'rk
of this bock. ky airs has been to pro vie ce a general analysis
0/ the £ robles.‘ anc a survey of the relevant questions.
I hope this be f nc stimulating ana useful enough to
justify the pains the translator anc publishers have taken
uq brin^ about this■edition.