Full text: Brief von Josef Steindl an H. L. Schollick

Bio c _ra^hical data 
Born 1912 in Vienna, 0 racuateci there; varied in Austrian 
Trade' Cycle Research Institute 1935-38; eta'sigrated alter the 
German occupation of Austria; a te eheraus 0 ran« ol a 
research lecturership by Ballipl ^olie.*e, Gri'oru, enubi.ee hi« 
V'{ 7 \ 
to come to Ln^ is no; ^oinec. tau institute oi statistics, Oxford 
in 1941; returnee to «.ustriu in lypo to sext at the 
Austrian Institute of iScsnol'.ic heseaxcii. 
Author of,; Maturity arm $ti O nation in *%ex lean oa^tiulisa. 
Oxford 1953- 
■ ■ : , _ \...h A,i : '■, 
■ ■ • 7 . - • ( 4\/- ]’> •■"■■ 
Correction of errors in the English edltiohi 
~ . - v 
7 7 • ■ - - 7 -/ . v ‘j ; 7 7 S, X'7;>:,>7 
P 29. iin 7; instead ol equation rcau inequality 
;>32 last line; instead oi "to „rov;" reuu * tp xtii" \ , 
. ,■ ’ ■ ■ ’ .V '■ 4 \ ■■■ \ - \ 
V ' \ v 
p3.3 middle of pr. 0 e: instead of derivation read-, di^fierentiati n 
..>33 last line; insteac."of di mi hi si. in,, roau cunsbantry diminishing 
p. 34 line 2 anc line 5 from belovt; in Loth ca.oes tuc 
fractional ex, res?ion ought to be pycecjedtc by 
a minus sign ;

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