December 7> 1985
Dear Josef,
This is just to send you Elisabeth's and ray
greetings for a pleasant Christmas holiday and a happy New
Many thanks for your offprint and the text of
your Graz address, so far I have only read (and liked) the
latter. We have more or less decided to stay in North
America the coming summer, probably making a tour of the
more interesting and beautiful parts of Canada. Our main
news is that we bought a compact disc player and as a result
listen to much better (and more) music than before.
Incidentally, I was much too lazy to buy a manila envelope
and go to the post office to send you an old copy of
Ovation, so instead I got you a subscription, which I hope
will start reaching you soon.
With best wishes once again,
Yours ever,
J zh Csbo mJL