~ andj celling
represented by teh growth of floor
I should insist on the fact that you trend is purely
exogenous as far as the growth rate of capital®is concerned.
The capital stock in EK, only takes account of the absolute
level of investment which of course must depend on the size
of the economy. The past has no influence on the trend
beyond the mere size of the economy. Now I doubt whether
Kalecki meant it like that when he talked about a
semi-autonomous influence. But it is of Bourse true that
Kalecki never gave a completely clear analysis of the trend
comparabel with his analysis of the cycle. And naturally
you 45 ant to follow his path slavishly. As far as my
own preferences are concerned I would find such a
purely exogenous solution not ultimately satisfactory.
I find it however very commenfdable that you have taken the
pains of a serious analysis of Kalecki's trend arguments,
which so far nobody has dared to do.
With my best wishes,
{ours sincerely,
{1 A oie “/
fosef Steindl