Full text: Exil Großbritannien - Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Josef Steindl 
I was born in Vienna on the 14th of April 1912. From 
1922 to 1929 I attended the Realschule 19. in Vienna. I studied at 
the Hochschule fuer Welthandel during the years 1930 to 1935. In 
1935 I received a degree of doctor of commerce; ny doctor's thesis 
dealt with monetary equilibrium, chiefly with the monetary theories 
of the Austrian School. 
In July 1935, I entered the Austrian Institute for trade 
cycle research which was directed by Prof. Oskar Morgenstern, as a 
scientific collaborator. My work there was of a more practical nature 
and I acquired a certain experience in the field of practical business 
cycle research. I wrote parts of the monthly reports on the economic 
position in Austria and abroad that were $ssued by the Institute. Be- 
sides I wrote special reports on prices and other questions of econo- 
mic policVe 
My chief interest ‘has always been in economic theory, 
especially trade cycle theory and also methodological questions. I 
published the following articless 
Der historische Regress in der Theorie der Produktionsumwege | 
Tahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik.Band 145, Febr «£7 o 
Der Kon junkturzyklus. Zeitschrift fuer Nationaloekonomie. Vol VIII,37. 
Prosperitaet und Depression. Zeitschrift fuer das Bankwesen. (Wien)1937, 
and several articles in the weekly economic paper Der . 
sesterreichische Volkswirt. I translated a book of Mr. Austin Robin- 
sons (The Structure of Competitive Industry) into German. 
I can read English (as well as French), but I do not 
speak it fluently. I trust, however, that 1% would not take me long 
to speak quite well. 
| During the time of my connection with the Institute, 
that is since 1935, I attended the seminar of Profs. Morgenstern and 
gtrigl at the University as well as the private discussions that were 
held at the Institute, and I read papers on various problems of eco- 
nomic theorva. 
For a very short time (in Spring 1937) I also delivered 
lectures on monetary questions in a Worker's University (Volkshoch=- 
schule) in Vienna. 
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