Full text: Exil Großbritannien - Dr. Josef Steindl, Testimonials

Dr, Josef Steindl 
Pr.Dr.h.c.Richard von Strigl 
Vienna 15.larch 1937. 
XVIII. Schulgasse 20. 
The Master 
Emmanuel College, 
Dear Sir, 
Dr. Josef Steindl informs me that your College is offer- 
ing a Studentship to be awarded in July of this year, and he 28ks me 
to support his application. I am very pleased to have the opportunity 
of doing so and of recommending him to you for the award. He is an 
eatnest student who shows an unusual degree of interest and ability 
in economics and I am certain that he would derive great benefit from 
an acquaintance with the English and especially with the Cambridge 
scholl of economists. 
Dr Steindl studied economics with success at the Hoch- 
schule fuer Welthandel, largely under my teaching. His doctorate 
thesis on monetary equilibrium showed a considerable talent for theo- 
retical reasoning. Subsequently in economic discussions he has shown 
signs of great promise and of a desire to be. able to devote the time 
to research in this field. He seems limkely to produce valuable theo- 
retical work in economics, and I feel that he has a high level of ge- 
neral intelligence and a good knowledge of economic literature. An 
opportunity for him to devote himself for two years entirely to scien- 
tific work would certainly enable him to produce work which would be 
extremely fruitful both for its original contributions to knowledge 
and because it would help to an important extent international coope- 
ration in scientific thought (since I understand that he would prefer 
to publish the results of his study in Cambridge in German). 
I feel this to be particularly important, since there is grave danger 
of the work of one school being entirely ignored by another, and on 
this ogronnd alone T chould welcome Dr. Steindl's anpointment 
I therefore support Dr. Steindl'!s application very 
heartily, and I hove that vou will find it possible to make him an 
Yours sincerely, 
Re Strigl. 
Rodleian 7 ikhr-~- 
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