KAXG:s Dr. Joseph Steindl
ADDRESS: Strassergasse 36, Vienna 19, Austria
Dr. Steindl is a young economist about 25 years old, who in splte
of his great youth has already published a number of interesting
articles on economic theory in different German and sustrien Journals,
He has a Ph.D. in economics. Up to the present he was employed by
the Austrian Institute for Trade Cycle Research, but I hear that he
has lost this pokition for political reasonse As much as I know he
18 not Jewish, but has some political sympathies which would make it
impossible for him to get a job in Austria. His maln interest is
sconomlc theory, but he also hes been working with Dr. Morgenstern in
the Austrian Institute for Trade Cycle Kesearch, and he hes considerable
experience in applied economics. He reads and writes French end English,
but his English 1s not very fluent. I ‘think, however, that he would
adapt himself rather rapidly in this country, and it would not
take him too long to perfect this language.
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Oxford University Library Services
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