_ 2. APR 1946
Institute ot Staivistics
New Boalelan , Oxfora
Sra April Lyéo
Dear Sir,
L have received your circular on natvuralisation.
My position 1s this: I snould like ultimacely to return
Lo Ausiria, anu alitough tne position in that country
ls at present so unsettled and unpredictable, I shodu
Like To keep this way open to myseli., 1 ¢o not intend,
Lheretore, to apply tor naturalisavion.
My present joo 1s that ol a research
worker at ithe QOxiora Univers:.ity Institute of Statis.ics,
where 1 have been sinde 1941.
Althoulgh I co not avail m;self or your
Kind orier, I should nevertheless like to express you
my gratitude 10r the supporti which you nave veen reaaqy
¢0 glve on this as on previous occasions.
Yours sincerely,
I'he Secrevary
Society tor tine Proirediion oi Science
and Learning
Westminster College
Bodleian Library
Oxford University Library Services