Prof. Edmond Malinvaud
Collége de France
42 Avenue de Saxe
F-65007 Paris
Netzwerk fiir Forschuna, Lehre und Praxis
Institut fiir Volkswirtschaftslehre
a.Univ.-Prof.Dr. Reiner Buchegger
Tel.: +43/732/2468-8360
Fax: +43/732/2468-9679
Sabine Ferdik / DW 8234
March 9. 2001
Re: Lecture series in honour of
Professor Kurt W. Rothschild
Dear Professor Malinvaud
In 1998 the Department of Economics at the University of Linz initiated a series of lectures to
honour its former faculty member, department head as well as president of the university,
Professor Kurt W. Rothschild, whom we consider to be one of the outstanding Austrian
economists of the past century. In addition to his professional achievements he has also made
significant contributions to the development of this Department as well as of the University of
I.1n7 as a whole.
Professor Rothschild is still very active in the profession and has — albeit after some hesitation
— agreed that such an annual lecture series may be instituted at the University of Linz. We
include the English version of a note indicating the intentions and goals pursued with this
The first three speakers were Professors Anthony B. Atkinson, Jacques Dréze, and Bruno S.
We would like to invite you, Professor Malinvaud, to act as the next distinguished speaker. It
would be a great honour for our institution if you could contribute to the continuation of this
annual series as our next and indeed very outstanding lecturer. What we would hope for is a
paper that would be published later on with an appropriate note as has been the case with the
previous lectures (see enclosure).
Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz
A-4040 Linz - Altenberger Stralle 69 ¢ Internet: « DVR 009369€