Table of Contents
Preface ....
Chapter One: Why Land Tenure and Tree Tenure Matter: Some
Fuel for Thought—John W.Bruce and Louise Fortmann ...
Chapter Two: Tree Tenure............ wsvennen dl
The Tree Tenure Factor in Agroforestry with Particular
Reference to Africa—Louise Fortmann............ cvrereneens 16
Rights in Economic Trees (Nigeria)—S.N. Chinwuba Obi............ 34
The Law of Property Rights Regarding Miscellaneous
Produce (Tanzania)—Hans Cory ................. cee 10
Date-Trees in Halfa Province (Sudan)—T.A. Leach.........c.......... 3
Religious Custom and Tree Rights (Nepal)—Lynn Bennett...........49
A Survey of Customary Law and Control Over Trees and
Wildlands in China—Nicholas Menzies ......ccccce. + voreereeneee.. 51
Proprietary Rights to Fruit on Trees Growing on Residential
Property (USA)—Homer Aschmann.....
Chapter Three: Tree and Tenure Interactions ..... . + swe BY
The Relationship Between Land Tenure and Agricultural
Production in Tucurrique, Costa Rica—S. Sellers.................... 75
The Problem of Land Ownership and Cashewnut Claims in
Malindi Coastal Belt (Kenya)—M.M. Shambi......................80
The Kantu' System of Land Tenure: The Evolution of Tribal
Land Rights in Borneo (Indonesia)—Michael R. Dove............ 86
Rural Organization in Bukoba District, Tanzania—Jorgen
and Karen Rald............. Cereene-n. 96
Forest, Foraging, Fences and Fuel in a Marginal Area of
Kenya—David Brokensha and Bernard Riley.. 102
Chapter Four: Communities and Trees... ceeenn..107
Citv, Town, and Communal Forests (Switzerland)—Ralph S.
Hosmer....... 117
Land Rights in ljebu (Nigeria)— P.C. Lloyd..... ene. 124
“Turf” and Forest Management in a Garhwal Hill Village
(India)—Marcus Moench ........... .. reeerererreeeneenss. 127
Stabilize Wildland Rights and Consolidate the
Responsibility System (China)—Chen Zhimin