Full text: Whose trees?

Table of Contents 
Land Tenure Systems and Social Implications of Forestry 
Development Programs (Pakistan)—Michael M.Cernea.....139 
Chapter Five: Tenure and Deforestation... 
Socio-Cultural Constraints in Working with Small Farmers 
in Forestry: Case of Land Tenure in Honduras—Jeffrey 
Jones ............ wee...155 
The Amazon: Development or Destruction?>—Harry Mauer ........162 
Causes of Deforestation and Forest and Woodland 
Degradation in Tropical Latin America—William M. 
Denevan......... vee. 168 
Kenyah Dayak Tree Cutting: In Context (Indonesia)— Carol 
J. Pierce Colfer......... reel 
Wood for Fuel—Energy Crisis Implying Desertification: 
The Case of Bara, The Sudan—Turi Hammer 176 
Chapter Six: Tenure and Afforestation.......... 
Customary Land Law of Tanzania: Planting Trees as 
Tantamount to Ownership—R.W. James and G.M. Fimbo ......188 
Alternative Units of Social Organization Sustaining 
Afforestation Strategies—Michael M.Cernea.. ...194 
Land and Trees in Lesotho—S.D. Turrer-....... cereennn 199 
Participation, Local Organization, Land and Tree Tenure: 
Future Directions for Sahelien Forestry—James T. 
The Wood Tree as a Peasant Cash-Crop: An 
Anthropological Strategy for the Domestication of 
Energy (Haiti) —Gerald F. Murray ....... sensessnd 13 
Village Forestry Development in the Republic of Korea: A 
Case Study —H.M. Gregersen 
Chapter Seven: The Gender Division of Tenure CE PORNPRRRNNRSIRENOR. :. ©. 
Women’s Rights and Interests in Trees (Nigeria)—S.N. 
Chinwuba Obi ........... _— Coe ceeeen 240 
Culture as the Basis for Implementation of Self-Sustaining 
Woodfuel Development Programmes (Kenya)—Noel A. 
Chavangi, Rutger |. Engelhard, and Valarie Jones...............243 
Women, Trees, and Tenure: Implications for Agroforestry— 
Dianne E. Rocheleau 
Chapter Eight: The State and the Forest... errerrerererern nn 273 
Forest Ownership: State Control and Assistance—R.S. 

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