Full text: Naturalistic behavior of nonhuman primates

General Introduction 
A Field Study of the Behavior and Social Relations of 
Howling Monkeys (1934) 
Behavior of Red Spider Monkeys in Panama (1935) 
An Observational Study of Two Captive Mountain Goril- 
las (1937) 
A Survey of Wild Life Conditions in Atjeh, North Suma- 
tra, with Special Reference to the Orang-Utan (1938) 
A Field Study in Siam of the Behavior and Social Relations 
of the Gibbon (1940) 
The Menstrual Cycle and Body Temperature in Two Gib- 
bons (1941) 
Rhesus Monkeys for American Laboratories (1940) 
Notes on Results of a Test for Tuberculosis in Rhesus Mon- 
keys (1941) 
Sexual Behavior of Free Ranging Rhesus Monkeys: Speci- 
mens, Procedures and Behavioral Characteristics of Es- 
trus (1942) 
Sexual Behavior of Free Ranging Rhesus Monkeys: Perio- 
dicity of Estrus, Homosexual, Auto-Erotic and Non-Con- 
formist Behavior (1942) 
Societies of Monkeys and Apes (1942) 
Characteristics of Social Behavior in Non-Human Primates 
Social Behavior of Non-Human Primates (1952) 
Grouping Behavior of Howling Monkeys (1953) 
Tentative Generalizations on the Grouping Behavior of 
Non-Human Primates (1954) 
Field Studies of a Primate Population (1962) 
Appendix: Territoriality: A Review of Concepts and Prob- 
lems (1958) 
Concluding Comments 
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