Structures of Frervday Lit
of living, 133 - Bread of the rich, bread and gruel of
the poor, 136 - To buy bread, or bake it at home?.
139 - Grain rules Europe, 143.
Rice cultivated dry and in paddy fields, 136 The
miracle of the paddy fields, 14= The importance ot
rice, 152.
Well-ascertained origins, 158 - Maize and American
civilizations, 159.
The dietary revolutions of the eighteenth century
Maize outside America, 164 - Potatovs: a great tuture,
167 - Eating other people's bread, 1-1.
The rest of the world
The people of the hoe, 1=4 - The primitive
Eating habits: luxury and the foods of the masses
A belated luxury, 187 - Carnivorous Europe, 190
The decline in meat consumption after 1550, 194
Europe's privileged position, 199 - The extravagances
of the table, 202 - Laying the table, 203 - The slow
adoption of good manners, 206 - At the table of
Christ, 207 - Everyday foods: salt, 209 - Everyday
foods: dairy products, fats, eggs, 210 - Everyday sei
foods, 214 + Cod fishing, 216 - The decline in the
vogue for pepper after 1650, 220 - Sugar conquers the
world, 224.
Drinks, stimulants and drugs der. 2.40
Water, 227 — Wine, 231 ~ Beer, 238 - Cider, He
The belated popularity of alcohol in Europes 24 .
Alcoholism outside Europe, 247 - Chocolate, tea,
coffee, 249 - Stimulants: the glories of tobacco, 260.