Full text: To have possessions

Collecting: Leisure, Investment or Obsession’ 
A. D. Olmsted 
Compulsive Buying: Toward A Reconceptualization 
Rajan Nataraajan and Brent G. Goff 
Coping with Loss 
Property Crime Victimization: The Effectiveness of Police 
Services for Victims of Residential Burglary 
Joop Van den Bogaard and Oene Wiegman 
If “We Are What We Have.” 
What Are We When We Don’t Have?: An Exploratory Study 
of Materialism Among Expatriate Americans 
Scott Dawson and Gary Bamossy 
Remembrances of Things Past: The Meaning of Home and 
Possessions of Indian Professionals in Canada 
Annamma Joy and Ruby R. Dholakia 
Critiques of Materialism 
Some Theoretical and Popular Notions 
Concerning Materialism 
Susan Fournier and Marsha L.. Richins 
Freedom From Possession: A Tibetan Buddhist View 
Stuart A Ross 
People and Property: A Psychoanalytic View 
Leonard Bloom 
The Impact of the Symbolic Dimensions of Possession 
on Individual Potential: A Phenomenological Perspective 
William E. Kilbourne 
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