Foreword by Colin Renfrew ix
Acknowledgments xiii
1 Introduction 1
Chronesthesia, the prehistory of mind |
Recasting the boundaries of the mind 2
At the tip of the blind man’s stick 4
What is the difference that makes a difference?
Setting the scene 10
The realm of material engagement 15
A synopsis of the book 17
| Cognition and Material Culture
2 Rethinking the Archaeology of Mind 23
In search of the ancient mind 23
Where is the mind? 24
Cognitivism 25
Re-presentation: Looking at the other side of the engram 26
Dismantling Hawkes’ ladder 31
3 The Material-Engagement Approach: A Summary of the
Argument 35
How to carve mind at its joints 36
Boundaries, paths, and analytical units 36
Understanding evolvability: The developmental challenge 38
“Vital materiality”: How to take material culture seriously 43