Full text: Handbook of social resource theory

introduction. Social Resource Theory: Yesterday, Today. 
and Tomorrow ........................ 
Kiell Tornblom and All Kazemi 
Part I The Basic Framework 
Resource Theory of Social Exchange. ..... 
dna B. Foa and Uriel G. Foa 
Some Conceptual and Theoretical Issues in Resource 
Theory of Social Exchange............ 
Kiell Tornblom and Alt Kazemi 
Part II Conceptual and Theoretical Developments 
Toward an Expansion of Resource Exchange Theory: 
A Facet Approach ................. 
Clara Sabbagh and Shlomit Levy 
Formalizing Foa’s Social Resource Theory of Exchange ........ 
Barry Markovsky and Ali Kazemi 
Social Exchange Theory, Exchange Resources, 
and Interpersonal Relationships: A Modest Resolution 
of Theoretical Difficulties .......... 
Marie S. Mitchell, Russell S. Cropanzano, 
and David M. Quisenberry 
Attribution of Friendship: The Influence of the Nature 
and Comparability of Resources Given and Received............ | 
Kjell Térmblom and Eva M. Fredholm 
Understanding Status as a Social Resource... 
Kevin R. Binning and Yuen J. Huo 
Moral Resources.............. 
Robert Foleer 
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The Structural Bases of Resource Distribution............. 
Jonathan H. Turner 

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