Part [Il Theoretical Integrations
11 Towards Integrating Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice,
and Social Resource Theories...
Kell Tormblom and Riel Vermunt
Resource Types and Fairness Perceptions
in Social Dilemmas.............
Barrv Markhovshy and Nick Bernean
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Goods, Bads, and the Foa Resources: Analyzing Their
Operation in the New Unitied Theory of
Sociobehavioral Forces .....
Sutllermina Jasso
The Complementary Natures of Resource Theory
and Interpersonal Evaluation Theory........
Robert Gittord and Michael Cave
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A Biosocial Approach to Resource Theory.
J. Scott Lewis and Jettrev A. Houser
Part IV Organizational, Institutional, Societal,
and Inter-cultural Issues
16 The Emergence of Social Meaning: A Theory of Action
Construal .....................
lohn Adamopoulos
Some Hypotheses on Cross-Cultural Differences in the
impact of Resource Type on the Preferred Principle
of Distributive Justice ..... .......
Anna Baumert and Manfred Schmitt
Cultural Differences in Resource Exchange
at the Workplace: A Sino-US Comparison...
Justin Kraemer and Chao C. Chen
The Positive, Sustaining, and Protective Power of Resources:
Insights from Conservation of Resources Theory ....................
Lisa Stines Doane, Jeremiah A. Schumm. and Stevan E. Hobfoll
Initiating Customer Loyalty to a Retailer:
A Resource Theory Perspective................
Michael J. Dorsch and Colby L. Brooks
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Resources and Transactions in the Organization’s
Underworld: Exchange Content and Consequences ...............
Dan S. Chiaburu, Zinta S. Byrne, and Janet Weidert
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