He might have found himself unwillingly embraced and
joined by people who would say: Of course, wejhave always
said monopoly is all the trouble. We have td fight it, to
abolish it, that is all there is to it.
But those, of course^would be wrong, becasjiie they overlook
or ignore that monopoly is not a remnant o^feudal
institutions which can be abolished like ananachronistic
institution bound to decay, but it is an essential feature
of t^e capitalism itself. This is because freedom of entry
can never be realised when the number of pq^ple with
sufficient wealth to exp$it the t^e technical and economic
opportunities for gain are limited in relation to those
opportunities. This is what Joan Robinson called the
property qualification of entry into business.
In fact the situation in industry is similar to that
obtaining- in the case of rent arising from the difference
in quality of land: There are different degrees of ./
advantage or opportunity ; and the best places are occupied
by the largest wealth while the most modest resources
have to be content to exist on a level of renumeration which
.offers at best reproduction of the resources.
'.Kalecki did not formulate it in this way but his formal
// ^
theory which makes the surplus depend on the dgree of
monopoly, can be easily reconciled with EEe aSEw
si-vi O-u-, ,
Marx, on the other hand, in his endeavour to meet his
opponent -that is the classical economist - on his own
ground, namely free competition, was bound to look for the
source of exploitation in the labour market.